




The following steps must be completed for an 应用程序 to be considered.

1 ► 递交申请表格 & 费*

注册/登入我们的 应用系统,然后按照屏幕上的指示操作. Until you submit, you can return to this site as often as you like to update your information.


  • 2024年12月1日(提前)
  • 2025年2月15日(常规)
  • 2025年3月15日(延期)
  • 2025年4月15日(最终)

*Note: The $100 USD Nonrefundable SMU市政厅 Application Fee has been waived for all applicants this year!

Review our 入学要求 to confirm your eligibility

2 ► 提交你的视频文章

描述你的动机, 利益, 生活经历, and biggest challenge overcome as a creative person related to your desire to pursue a professional career in game development. Applicants should explain why one of their portfolio pieces is a good/interesting/skillful piece of work. The applicant must be shown in the video speaking to the camera for some or all of the essay. *An applicant to the production specialization should also describe their understanding of the role of a video game producer and why they believe they would be well-suited to the role, including examples demonstrating leadership skills used in a team environment.


  • 注册/登录到 新大研究生申请     
  • 选择 “投资组合” 申请页面
  • 提交你的视频文章 as an upload in the media section of your online portfolio

3 ► 提交你的作品集

Consists of examples and/or assignments that showcase your aptitude and preparation. 

遵循与上面步骤#2相同的过程, upload a link to your existing digital portfolio or your completed 投资组合作业 致我们的在线 应用程序.

You must follow all instructions for your specialization detailed on the 投资组合要求页面 

4 ► 把你的成绩单寄给我们

Submit transcripts from each university you have attended, including summer terms. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable during the review phase. 正式成绩单只在入学时才需要. All foreign transcripts must be accompanied by an English translation.

  • 非官方的成绩单: 你可以把成绩单上传到 “学术史” page of your 应用程序 or email the transcript(s) to 请不要上传或发送副本成绩单. Doing so will slow down the processing of your 应用程序. *如果你已经递交了申请, 你可以在你的状态页面上上传成绩单. 
  • 官方成绩单: 当你被录取时, 寄送正式成绩单, certified and translated if from a foreign institution, directly from each school of higher education you have attended to the Grad App Processing Center (address listed below).
  • 电子记录: 将电子成绩单发送至, please note that SMU will only accept electronic transcripts sent from the transferable institution via a secure means (e.g., Scrip-Safe, NSC). Electronic transcripts sent by students are not considered official.  

Mailing Address (for 应用程序-related documents only):


Laura Lee Blanton学生服务大楼:

5 ► 报告你的考试成绩

Standardized test scores such as the GED, SAT and GRE are 可选 but will be accepted (copies are acceptable at this stage.托福或雅思英语水平考试成绩 要求 如果你不是美国公民.S. applicant and do not hold a degree from an accredited English-speaking college or university.

6 ► 给我们两个参考

遵循与上面步骤#2相同的过程, input the two references on the '入场资料-伦敦大会堂 我们的网上网页 应用程序. These should be non-family members who can attest to your aptitude and skill level. Good examples include past professors, supervisors, or employers.


进入麻省理工学院的课程需要一个 Baccalaureate程度 from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning, with a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.000(在4上).000规模).

Admission to the certificate program does not require a bachelor's degree. 您必须提交上述所有要求 除了 the requirement of a minimum GPA and/or a baccalaureate程度 from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning. Those who have already earned a certificate from SMU市政厅 may apply for "Admission with Advanced Standing" into the MIT program to continue the pursuit of their master's degree if they meet all academic requirements for admission to the degree program.

*Note that the graduate professional certificate program is not offered in the production specialization 


  • 英语水平- International students are 要求 to submit test scores from an internationally recognized English language test, 如托福或雅思英语水平测试, if the applicant is from a country where the predominant language of instruction is not English. A score of at least 550 (paper test) or 80 (computer test) is 要求 on the TOEFL for admission consideration. 6分.5 or higher is 要求 on the IELTS for admission consideration. 更多的信息 
  • 签证, 对于需要美国签证的学生.S. 签证,这是强制性的 在新大学习的财务证明 be completed and returned after you accept admission to SMU市政厅. 请审阅并填写 文档要求. Note this an estimate only and that we will have a solidified cost of attendance by mid-spring 2025. Financial statement must be original documents stamped by financial institution official and converted into US dollars.
  • 医疗保健—— all international students who are 招收ed in one or more credit hours are 要求 to maintain SMU Health Insurance as a condition of your 招收ment. 国际学生必须 招收* in the student health insurance plan unless they have a special waiver personally granted by the Student Health Center staff. This does not have to be done at the time of your 应用程序, 但必须在注册课程之前完成.


在审查你的申请时, the admission committee looks for a good academic and personal match between student and institution, and seeks to identify students who will best benefit from and contribute to the SMU市政厅 community in a variety of ways within and beyond the classroom. 平均, once we have received your 应用程序 and transcripts, it will take our admission committee approximately 15 business days to render an admission decision. 您将通过电子邮件收到决定.